On the Rock
I have long enjoyed rock climbing and this interest has informed many of my pictures. Winning the J.D. Fergusson Prize in 2009 allowed me to focus and develop my work on the theme of journeying. This encompassed a walk to a cliff, the climb up and then trekking across the moor above. In the same year I held a solo exhibition at the Dundee Mountain Film Festival, this followed an earlier exhibition at the Kendal Mountaineering Film Festival.
Into the Mountains
Remember Climbing the Old Man of Hoy?
This is a series of eighteen prints conceived as a book with some images on acetate that can be viewed by themselves or overlaying another image. They are all based on my memory of climbing the Old Man of Hoy by the Original Route in June 1989. Three suites of prints are available as bound books with covers (48 x 33cm in size), and some individual prints are also available.