Mountains and Moorlands
Mixed media allows me to represent a landscape from many different perspectives and to convey the feeling of being within the landscape, rather than just drawing a static view. I have been a keen hill-walker since young, and many of these works are based around my walks in the mountains and across moors.
Sea and Shore
The shoreline is fascinating in its ambiguity - neither sea nor land, at the mercy of the ever-changing tides. These pictures explore the feeling of being on the edge, balanced between two opposing elements.
Root and Branch
Our relationship with trees has always been close but is now, at times, ambivalent. Left to grow trees easily outlast us and while we venerate certain age old trees others we cut down and damage with impunity. Their roots delve deep into the ground and their branches reach high above us. Trees provide us with fuel, shelter and food but also can hide danger. They are both wondered at and treated as industrial fodder. I made the charcoal drawings here using charcoal gleaned from a bonfire rather than the usual graded artist's quality sticks.